Sacred Heart
212 4th St N
Wilton, ND 58579
Phone: (701) 734-8131
Sunday Mass 8:30 AM
Confession 1/2 hour prior to Mass (or by appointment)
A Parish of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Bismarck ND
This Lent, prepare your heart alongside Jesus for his Passion, Death, and Resurrection as you reflect daily with meditations by St. John Henry Newman.
To Access Formed:
We, the Sacred Heart Catholic community of Wilton, united in the universal church with our bishop, pastor, and the Diocese of Bismarck, and responding to the challenge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, are called to celebrate our faith in the risen Lord. In our rural setting, we seek to be an example of the Catholic Church; reaching out with a warm welcome and the embrace of Christ`s love to heal and reconcile. We are to be a light to the world and to make Christ present to our community and to all persons.
The North Dakota State CDA board invites you and a friend to a Catholic Daughters "Day of Sisterhood” at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wilton, on Saturday, September 28 beginning with 9:00 AM mass. Please rsvp by Wednesday, September 28 to the State Regent, Mary Baer at 701-260-3122, or email
Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Wilton, ND will be hosting their annual Fall dinner on Sunday, October 6, at the Wilton City Hall. Dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, corn, salads, buns, and pies will be served from 11:00-1:30 am by the Altar Society. The cost is $12 for adults and $5 for children age 4-10, 3 and under are free. There will be kid’s games, a Chinese & Silent Auction, and Bingo. Join us for an afternoon of family fun for all ages!